EmilysBabyGifts.com Testimonials
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Ashley B. who custom-ordered a "Daddy likes fishing and Mommy likes pink"gift basket, commented on March 22, 2011:
I just wanted to send you a follow up email on the gift. The mother to
be just loved it. She said she actually cried when she saw it! What a
sweet surprise! She had nothing but amazing things to say about the gift
so I gave her your card for her to use! I was so happy that
I went and created an iVouch page for you with a great review
p=1). Thank you again for making this such an easy and amazing process!
Ashley's iVouch comment:
Wow what a great service! Emily is amazing. She got my baby gift basket together so fast and it was more then I could have imagined. I gave her a theme and she really went above and beyond what I could have ever expected! When the gift was delivered the mother to be cried because she thought it was so beautiful. So if you are in the market for a baby gift I recommend you go no where else! This is the one stop shop to be the "IT" gift at any baby shower! This is where I will be coming next time I need a baby shower gift!
I just wanted to send you a follow up email on the gift. The mother to
be just loved it. She said she actually cried when she saw it! What a
sweet surprise! She had nothing but amazing things to say about the gift
so I gave her your card for her to use! I was so happy that
I went and created an iVouch page for you with a great review
p=1). Thank you again for making this such an easy and amazing process!
Ashley's iVouch comment:
Wow what a great service! Emily is amazing. She got my baby gift basket together so fast and it was more then I could have imagined. I gave her a theme and she really went above and beyond what I could have ever expected! When the gift was delivered the mother to be cried because she thought it was so beautiful. So if you are in the market for a baby gift I recommend you go no where else! This is the one stop shop to be the "IT" gift at any baby shower! This is where I will be coming next time I need a baby shower gift!
Christina P. who received a custom-ordered diaper cake, commented on February 25, 2011:

OMG, what an insanely beautiful and generous surprise!!!! Thank you so much!!!! The diaper cake is FANTASTIC!!!!! It's HUUUUUGE. And perfect! There is a little blankie inside, with two sippy cups (hot pink!) and a really sweet book of nursery rhymes. I LOVE IT! And it's even personalized with a pink ribbon that reads, "MADISON." OMG OMG OMG... how in the world did you even dream this up? What have I done to deserve such a beautiful and thoughtful gift? Thank you so very much!
Lauren G. who custom-ordered a gift basket, commented on October 29, 2010:

Emily THANK YOU for everything! The basket you made Chloe Grace was AWESOME! Cannot wait for the Christmas ones you are putting together!
Dianna and Mark S., who received a diaper wreath for twins, commented on October 15, 2010:

The diaper wreath is very cute and the boys will love playing with the cars.
Renee B., who received an Accident Prone Gift Basket from us, commented on September 17, 2010:

Dear Emily's Baby Gifts.com: Today I used my 'Happy Birthday to my Accident-Prone Friend' basket after spilling coffee on my white shorts. My Tide To Go pen totally worked, thank you for knowing just what I need. You kind of rock as do your diaper cakes. Respectfully yours, Renee AKA 'Accident-Prone Friend'
Lisa G., who custom-ordered two gift baskets for twins, commented on June 30, 2010:

Emily.. The gift you made for one of my employees' baby shower was a big hit. She loved it. She wants to keep them intact because they are too pretty to use. Everyone who was there or saw it loved it.
Kristy A., who custom-ordered two diaper cakes, commented on June 27, 2010:

The diaper cake today was a huge hit. Everyone loved it and said it was the best they had ever seen. Thank you so much!!!! So looking forward to the next one and I'm sure I will have more after that.
Ellen C., who commented on Kristy's custom cake on June 22, 2010:
Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Ellen C., who commented on Kristy's custom cake on June 22, 2010:
Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Jason F., an EmilysBabyGifts.com fan on facebook, commented on Tuesday, April 27, 2010:
How awesome for you!! I wish you the best for your business! I'll definitely refer people! :)
Lorie D., who purchased a gift, commented on Sun, Jan 31, 2010:

The gift looked perfect; you have made this so easy for me!
Lisa G., who purchased a gift, commented on Sun, Jan 31, 2010:

If you don't like shopping, especially not having the patience to use a registry, then this is perfect site. Let Emily do the leg work and be creative for you.
Allison R., who visited the website, commented on Sat, Jan 2, 2010:
This website was awesome! Gave great, straight foward advice that you can't get anywhere else. Mixed with the price saviness and major creativity the products on emilysbabygifts.com were splendid! Great gifts for so many occasions. Definitely take a look!
Charles VanD., who visited the website, commented on Sat, Jan 2, 2010:
Very cool website, made shopping for any event very easy. It was simple, and well thought out at the same time. I'd say this website is a blessing. Thank you Emily!